Reflections from a Weekend Writing Conference

 I love writers’ conferences. I just attended my seventh writing conference. This particular conference was held at Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana. It is called the Indiana Faith and Writing conference 

The thing about writing conferences is that suddenly a room full of introverts appear to be extremely extroverted. This can be wonderful and scary to a writer all at the same time. At a Christian writing conference, the support from the writing community can feel welcoming and supportive, but it can also feel intimidating and overwhelming. So, why do I attend writing conferences?

I always learn something helpful to propel me along this scary journey called writing.

I always come home with crazy ambitions like telling myself I will get up at 4:00 in the morning to write.

I meet some great people.

I know and believe that God can use anything at any time to bless me.

What exactly do I mean by number 5? Last year, I attended a writing conference to learn about blogging and gain some much needed writing inspiration and motivation. I left with that and more…a new writing partner. Over the course of the year, this writing partner has become not only my writing partner but my best friend. I was blessed to attend the AU writing conference with her this year. God truly does use anything at any time to bless us if we are obedient and respond in trust. This gift of friendship continues to bless me in more ways than I could have imagined. He truly is faithful.


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