Opening a business: where to start?

 Being able to make a profit at a minimum cost is a trait inherent in leading businessmen.

 At the same time, starting your own business will not be difficult. It is much more difficult to keep it afloat. Many firms go bankrupt in the early years of their existence. Therefore, if there is a fear of failure, then it is better not to start.

It was those who were not afraid of failure, without a penny in their hearts, who became the heads of world famous companies, whose revenues amount to billions. They did not give up before a possible defeat and now stand at the top.

So where to start your business in an age when it seems that all possible niches are occupied, when it seems that the competition is so great that the business will burn out at the very beginning. These are all prejudices of lazy people. The entrepreneur is acting. You can start your own business without start-up capital, despite the fact that many are disarmed by the lack of start-up funds, and they continue to work for others.

It is better for a novice businessman to immediately forget about the production of something. It will not be possible to organize mass production on a swoop, and making items at home will bring nothing but wasted time.

For some unknown reason,

Most people associate business with trade. They go to the store every day for groceries, mentally calculating how much income the owners of these points of sale receive, but for some reason they leave such a line of business as the service sector outside the framework. In our country, unlike Europe and the United States, it is still poorly developed. Therefore, you need to manage to occupy your niche. Let's not go far and take all the same grocery stores. Why not offer food delivery to the population? You make purchases on your own for a certain amount, add a percentage for delivery here and that's all - this is your first income. And if you hire people to be your assistants, then over time, a corporation will be formed.

Or let's take another case. Many keep animals in their apartments that require special care - the dogs need to be walked. Someone is lazy, someone does not have time, someone has other things to do. So why not suggest taking their pets for a walk? All that is required for this is to study the relevant literature and find clients. Agree, such a service can find its supporters.
Therefore, if there is a desire to open your own business, which will generate income, then the answer to the question "Where to start?" will be found quickly. First of all, you need to start with yourself, change your views on the world, looking through the eyes of at least hundreds of people and trying to understand what they need, and then offer it and make a profit. 


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