It is What it Is….


At what point in life do we transition from carefree, spontaneous child to serious, schedule and task oriented ruled adult…

I am learning to be still. To enjoy living in the moment. To accept myself for who I am flaws and all.

Spring Break 2015 122

Yesterday, as we biked through the beautiful Hilton Head Island, my carefree 11-year-old son was singing…”Waffle, waffle, waffle” without a care in the world without caring who was listening. Later, we ate at a cute coffee cafe called Watusi for lunch, and he told his father he could now cross something off his bucket list…he had eaten at a cafe. As we played putt-putt golf at a Legendary golf place, my daughter read all 18 Bible verses at each of the 18 holes without caring who was listening.

I want to be able to eat a square of dark chocolate without any guilt or worries. I want to be able to not be so hard on myself because I didn’t finish everything on my to do list for the day. I want to accept I am still on my journey to my dream career and writing goals. I want to realize I am still learning to live with food intolerances, and it’s okay if I mess up one day…tomorrow is a new day.

Yes, I am on vacation and reality is only a few days away. Yes, I like routine, but I am enjoying this break from daily stress and routine. But I want these life lessons and reminders from this week to resonate and stay with me just as I want the peaceful sound of ocean waves to stay forever etched in my mind.

I know learning to manage day to day stress is important…sleep, exercise, devotion and prayer, healthy eating, positive relationships, writing, quiet time…all help me to release stress. Sometimes life is what it is, but I can choose how I react to it. And the best part…each morning is another chance to try again!

Mercies are new


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