Best Gratitude thoughts For Humans

 My emotions are truly all over the place this Thanksgiving weekend. 

Thanksgiving encourages an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is intertwined with perspective. You can’t have one without the other. An attitude of gratitude implies that you are trying to find things to be thankful for when honestly it would be easier to whine, complain, feel sorry for yourself, etc. This is where I am right now. I am choosing to have an attitude of gratitude because I don’t want to whine or complain or feel sorry for myself….although, honestly, that would be easier.

For example….While I am excited and looking forward to starting a new job in a few weeks, I have nine potentially high-stressed filled days remaining at the present job. During this past week and a half since the news of my resignation was announced, co-workers and others I regularly come into contact with through my job, have blessed me with the humble opportunity to hear expressions of gratitude of how much they have enjoyed working with me and will miss me. Even as the chaos of the work day swirls around me and the overwhelming “to do” list grows, I am choosing to be grateful for the relationships I have formed while serving in this position. I can also trust God to take care of leading the right person to fill my position after I leave.

I am also learning to live with a chronic condition of pain and exhaustion and regular headaches called fibromyalgia. Through this condition, I am learning to rest. I am learning to lean on others in my life just a little more and to embrace the belief that it is okay to lean on those God has placed in my life. I am thankful for a best friend who completely gets  what I am dealing with because she lives with the same condition. So, instead of dwelling on the nerve, joint, and muscle pain and stiffness, I will choose to focus on the blessings of fibro….which requires a daily effort on my part. 

I love The Message translation of the first three verses of the 23rd Psalm:

God, my shepherd! I don’t need a thing. I needn't bother with a thing. you have slept with me down in lavish glades, you find me calm pools to drink from. loyal Your statement, You let me pause and rest and send me inside the correct bearing

I love this translation…He allows me to catch my breath through a release from a stressful job situation and sends me in the right direction to a wonderful new opportunity. Even through something like a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, I have to hold onto and believe He can and will use it for something good for His glory.

This Thanksgiving weekend, take a few moments and embrace an attitude of gratitude. Even through the hard stuff of life, God can and will use everything for something good.


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