The Simple Things

Life can get so complicated and busy.

 I think it’s important to pause and reflect on the simple things. The simple things help me put my life in perspective, focus on what truly matters, and to demonstrate true gratitude.

So, what simple things do I mean?

A hot cup of tea and a stack of books I look forward to reading


Really good dark chocolate

Warm fuzzy socks

fuzzy socks

Waking up with a smile on my face when I remember it’s my day off work

Listening to my 11-year-old son sing along to the songs on K-Love

Listening to my 17-year-old daughter share her newest mission minded idea

Enjoying a delicious meal from Chipotle Mexican Grill (my favorite!)

Stopping to think about the magnificence around me

The calm, quiet of morning

Coffee with a good friend


Yes, the simple things are worth pausing to embrace. Don’t let the noise of the world drown out the joy of everyday moments.

Sometimes, these desires are wrapped up in the simple moments of every day life.

What are your simple things, your simple moments? Take time today to to embrace them.


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