A Word For the Year & The New Year Opportunity

 The New Year is an opportunity many take advantage of to start fresh with New Year’s resolutions and goals for the year. Many people resolve to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, organize….among a variety of other common themes. K-Love posted the popular resolutions from the 1940s…improve my character, spend more time with my family, and attend church more.

I have made resolutions in the past, but the past few years, I have decided to focus on a word instead of a laundry list of resolutions. This year, my word is serve. I am asking God to reveal to me opportunities to serve others. I also need to reflect upon how I spend my time…it reveals what I serve.


I was very humbled when I left my previous job just a few weeks ago. I was humbled by the reactions and kind words of others who were genuinely sad to see me leaving. I try to embody servant leadership. I believe opportunities to serve exist not only at work but all around me…at home, at church, even on a simple trip to the grocery store.

One of the family members from my previous job thanked me for helping with the transition of her mother’s admission to the facility where I worked. She thanked me for embodying JOY…placing Jesus, others, and yourself in that order. That was very humbling to hear. It has given me a wonderful reminder to accompany the word SERVE…I will serve Jesus, others, and myself in that order.

I will spend time with God and be open to His leading in my life. I will pray for opportunities to serve others and help, even in simple, everyday things….even when I don’t always feel like it. I will be kinder to myself and extend grace and forgiveness to myself when I miss the mark and don’t live up to my expectations for myself.

Serve. My word for 2020. What about you? Do you make resolutions or choose to focus on one word? 

My year of 2021 can be summed up in the word SURRENDER. And, as I look forward to the promises of another year…I will seek to SERVE.

Wishing you the very best for 2021


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